home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Friday, May 18, 2018 - Page 19 of 46 - << previous page : next page >>
A podium by the North elevators.  Assuming for those accessing the lounge on the top floor in the evening.
A podium by the North elevators. Assuming for those accessing the lounge on the top floor in the evening. Click to switch to large image view
I went up to the 15th floor, the highest regular guest floor and took a look out the window.  This is looking toward the Tron construction site and beyond it backstage at the Magic Kingdom.
I went up to the 15th floor, the highest regular guest floor and took a look out the window. This is looking toward the Tron construction site and beyond it backstage at the Magic Kingdom. Click to switch to large image view
To the left you can see the tents for the Storybook Circus area beyond Space Mountain.
To the left you can see the tents for the Storybook Circus area beyond Space Mountain. Click to switch to large image view
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